Take the Pledge to
Be a Chooser
We believe you aren’t born a winner, you aren’t born a loser, you’re born a chooser. That means the choices you make will affect your life in ways you may never see coming. We want to help you make the right choices and set yourself on a right path to. So, join us as our pro-athletes will give advice, answer questions, and help you be the best chooser you can be.
Meet Our Pros
Past Events
Fall RV Tour
Former Pro Snowboarder Tom Gilles Spent October touring the Midwest spreading a message of hope to students.
Rushia Brown WNBA
Former pro Rushia Brown took a group of Staten Island Student to a WNBA game.
We partnered with Chick-fil-a and Urban Hope to bring Carmine and Lee to an after school event.
Good News with Steve Grant
Steve Grant spread some hope and fun to some student in an after school event held by Child Evangelism Fellowship.
Jesus Week
We partnered with Urban Hope to spread the message of hope to Time Square in New York.
Our pros visited the YMCA in Marco Island, and spent the day talking with and