Take the Pledge to
Be a Chooser

We believe you aren’t born a winner, you aren’t born a loser, you’re born a chooser. That means the choices you make will affect your life in ways you may never see coming. We want to help you make the right choices and set yourself on a right path to. So, join us as our pro-athletes will give advice, answer questions, and help you be the best chooser you can be.

Take the Pledge

10,466 Marbles

Video Title Goes Here

Words of Wisdom: Jeff Neal

Meet Our Pros

Tom Gilles

Sport: Snowboarding
Years Active: 10

Watch Tom's Video

Andre Fluellen

Sport: Football
Team: Detroit Lions
Years Active: 8

Watch Andre's Video

Ray McElroy

Sport: Football
Team: Indianapolis Colts
Years Active: 7

Watch Ray's Video

Leah Amico

Sport: Softball
Team: U.S.A Olympic
Years Active: 8

Watch Leah's Video

Jimmie Bell

Sport: Football
Team: New York Giants
Years Active: 3

Watch Jimmie's Video

Steve Grant

Sport: Football
Team: Indianapolis Colts
Years Active: 6

Watch Steve's Video

Lee Rouson

Sport: Football
Team: New York Giants
Years Active: 8

Watch Lee's Video

Jeff Neal

Sport: Football
Team: Houston Oilers
Years Active: 6

Watch Jeff's Video

Rushia Brown

Sport: Basketball
Team: Cleveland Rockers

Watch Rushia's Video

Ruthie Bolton

Sport: Basketball
Team: Sacramento Monarchs, Team USA
Years Active: 12

Watch Ruthie's Video